Ramadan is a blessed month for Muslims all over the world. It is a month when people concentrate their commitments to God and faith. It is a month where they fast from predawn till sunset for 29 or 30 days, depending on the cycle of the moon. It is the ninth month of the Islamic...
Author: activerde (Rana El Hindy)
Food Sources of omega-3
Omega-3 rich foods We all know the many benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. However, we are going to talk about the sources and needed amounts of this essential fatty acid for a healthy body. A healthy adult needs 250-500 mg of omega-3 per day. People with known heart disease and heart failure should aim for...
Impressive benefits of eggs
Benefits of eggs 1.Better nails and hair: Eggs are rich in biotin that helps maintain strong hair and nails. However, you should cook them well to activate the biotin absorption. 2.Incredibly Nutritious: Eggs are one of the few foods that are rich in many nutrients together (13 essential nutrients) including: Vitamins A, B6, and E,...
Controlling the eating triggers
Usually we eat out of hunger. Unfortunately most of the times, there are other things that tempt us to eat even though we are not hungry. Here are few tips to help you overcome the eating triggers different than hunger. Tips: 1. Do not snack when doing activities like watching TV or reading. This will...
Bad habits that inhibit weight loss
This blog aims at helping you maintain a healthy weight for a lifetime while still enjoying your life If you are aiming to have a healthy weight and lifestyle, you should consider and evaluate your eating habits and what triggers you to eat more. There are some bad habits that you may be doing and...
Omega 3 Fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids, necessary for the human health. However, the body cannot synthesize them. Therefore, we have to provide them from the diet. Omega 3 fatty acids have so many health benefits: Also known as Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), they play a role in brain function, normal growth and development. They...
Burn calories without going to the gym
Ways to burn more calories without going to the gym: 1.Stand rather than sit: standing burns more calories than sitting because it engages and activates more muscles. You will burn 20-50 more calories per hour standing than sitting 2. Park farther away from your destination: this will add more steps meaning that you will spend more...
Lifestyle Management
Are you seeking a transformative and sustainable approach to nourishing your body and soul?? Too many things are happening nowadays. Stress surrounds us from the current continuously changing worldwide situations. Hard times keep on popping up. This is so frustrating and can make us lose focus and purpose in life. We need to feel more...
Tips to add legumes to your diet
This blog is mainly to show the importance of plant based proteins and their many benefits to health. Many people believe that proteins are only present in animal products. The truth is that many plants have a good amount of proteins especially legumes. Legumes are grown for their grain seed or pulse for human consumption...
Lose weight without dieting
Lose weight without dieting: You do not have to go on a diet to lose weight. However, some lifestyle changes can lead to eventual weight loss and healthier body. I am going to share with you some tips, and I posted some videos that can give you more tips. I hope you enjoy them. These...