A sedentary or inactive lifestyle is a lifestyle that has little physical activity with lots of sitting down time and little or no exercise. According to the WHO, 2 million deaths per year are attributed to physical inactivity. People nowadays are spending more time doing sedentary activities. At work, they sit most of the day...
Author: activerde (Rana El Hindy)
Back to school
Back to school diet and healthy lifestyle Before school starts, we are all focused on buying school supplies. However, we should also focus on something that has a huge impact on our kids’ academic performance, their diet. This is a very good time to get the children back on a certain routine after the summer’s...
Magnesium and stress
Magnesium plays an essential role in the chemical reactions all over the body. Several studies show that a low level of magnesium will make you experience muscle cramps, irritability and even depression, in addition to other serious health issues, especially related to the heart and other muscles. People have always used Magnesium as an old...
How to stop Menopause weight gain
Most women gain weight or find difficulty in maintaining their weight as they age, especially around menopause. This Menopause weight gain can have serious implications for your health. Excess weight increases the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, breathing problems and various types of cancer, including breast, colon and endometrial cancer. However, this is...
Side effects of diet pills
Side effects of diet pills: 3 types of drugs used in weight loss and their side effects: Stimulant-like drugs that stimulate the central nervous system and reduce appetite. They can cause: Pulmonary hypertension, a rare potentially fatal disease due to high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs Valvular disease of the heart Elevated...
Tips for eating out
Some people eat out occasionally, others have it as a way of life. Either way, there are few things you can do to make it a healthy meal and lifestyle. Tips for eating out: Don’t be very hungry before you go. Have a light snack such as a fruit or a cup of fat free...
Reasons to start doing Yoga
Yoga is a 5000 years old discipline from India. It’s a system of wellbeing and a practice to unite the body, mind and spirit. There are so many branches and styles of yoga, and all can help balance your body, mind and spirit. Hatha Yoga is a series of stretches and poses that you do...
Tamarind is a leguminous tropical tree. It has pods inside which are few large seeds with sticky sour pulp. The pulp becomes more sour as it dries. It can add a strong flavor to your dishes, alone, diluted or mixed with sugar. It makes a great base in many sauces and marinades, tenderizes meat, and...
Broccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family. It resembles cauliflower, another cultivar belonging to the same family. It has so many benefits and one cup of broccoli can provide a wide range of vitamins while giving you only around 30 calories. Benefits of broccoli Rich in antioxidants which has a great effect...
Dates, the blessed fruit!
Dates are one of the main and very important fruits in the Arab world. Since history, people consumed dates due to their healing properties. Nowadays, science is proving the many benefits of dates. Dates through history and science The Holy Quran mentioned dates several times. God also instructs Virgin Mary to consume dates when she...