Category: Advices

The Pollution Diet

The Pollution Diet

We live in a polluted environment. Lebanon ranks as one of the most polluted areas in the Middle East, as shown by a recent study in 2019. Along with Iraq, Lebanon has the highest levels of nitrogen dioxide. Moreover, the environment must have become more polluted especially after the massive fires that devoured the Lebanese...

by November 23, 2019November 15, 2022
Diet and Breast cancer

Diet and Breast cancer

Breast Cancer is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy in women today. There are many believes about diet and breast cancer incidence and recurrence especially when it comes to alcohol consumption, weight gain and being overweight. More studies are supporting the role that dietary factors can play in both the development and prevention of BC. I...

Protect Earth, Protect your health!

Protect Earth, Protect your health!

Environmental problems are booming all over the world. If we don’t start taking action real soon, we will be in an environmental disaster. Everything around us is polluted; we are breathing polluted air, drinking contaminated water and eating food saturated with chemicals and antibiotics. All this is directly affecting our health and causing so many...

by September 11, 2019December 30, 2021
Unhealthy diets, the world’s biggest killer

Unhealthy diets, the world’s biggest killer

According to WHO, more than half of worldwide deaths were due to the top 10 causes, which include ischemic heart disease, stroke, COPD, lung cancer and diabetes, in addition to mental disease like Alzheimer’s and dementia, road injuries and communicable disease like diarrheal disease and tuberculosis. The top 5 causes of death can be prevented...

Reasons why you are not losing weight

Reasons why you are not losing weight

Weight loss is complex. It’s not just about food and exercise. If you are struggling to lose weight, there are several reasons why. It’s not about the calories that you are eating. Other factors such as hormones, sleep, inflammation, medication, gut microbes, emotions and genes all influence your ability to lose weight and keep it...

Living with Diabetes

Living with Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease. It occurs when the pancreas is no longer able to make insulin, or when the body cannot make good use of the insulin it produces. The pancreas produces insulin, which is a hormone that helps glucose to go into the cells to produce energy. When the body cannot produce insulin or use it effectively,...

by November 23, 2018November 15, 2022
Coconut Oil: good or bad?

Coconut Oil: good or bad?

Coconut oil seems to be very catching these days. There are many controversial opinions about it. Some researchers say that is good for the health while others say that it is pure poison. I am going to give you few facts about this oil and leave you to decide after reading this post. The bad...

by November 12, 2018December 28, 2018
Lifestyle changes to manage PCOS

Lifestyle changes to manage PCOS

PCOS or Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder common in women in the reproductive age. It is characterized by irregular periods and cysts on the ovaries.The male hormone androgen level may increase resulting in the development of facial and body hair and occasional acne. The exact cause of PCOS is still unknown, however we...

by November 10, 2018September 6, 2021
Dangers of a Sedentary lifestyle

Dangers of a Sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary or inactive lifestyle is a lifestyle that has little physical activity with lots of sitting down time and little or no exercise. According to the WHO, 2 million deaths per year are attributed to physical inactivity. People nowadays are spending more time doing sedentary activities. At work, they sit most of the day...

by September 20, 2018September 6, 2021
Back to school

Back to school

Back to school diet and healthy lifestyle Before school starts, we are all focused on buying school supplies. However, we should also focus on something that has a huge impact on our kids’ academic performance, their diet. This is a very good time to get the children back on a certain routine after the summer’s...

by September 6, 2018November 15, 2022