Environmental problems are booming all over the world. If we don’t start taking action real soon, we will be in an environmental disaster. Everything around us is polluted; we are breathing polluted air, drinking contaminated water and eating food saturated with chemicals and antibiotics. All this is directly affecting our health and causing so many...
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Unhealthy diets, the world’s biggest killer
According to WHO, more than half of worldwide deaths were due to the top 10 causes, which include ischemic heart disease, stroke, COPD, lung cancer and diabetes, in addition to mental disease like Alzheimer’s and dementia, road injuries and communicable disease like diarrheal disease and tuberculosis. The top 5 causes of death can be prevented...
Dangers of a Sedentary lifestyle
A sedentary or inactive lifestyle is a lifestyle that has little physical activity with lots of sitting down time and little or no exercise. According to the WHO, 2 million deaths per year are attributed to physical inactivity. People nowadays are spending more time doing sedentary activities. At work, they sit most of the day...
Tamarind is a leguminous tropical tree. It has pods inside which are few large seeds with sticky sour pulp. The pulp becomes more sour as it dries. It can add a strong flavor to your dishes, alone, diluted or mixed with sugar. It makes a great base in many sauces and marinades, tenderizes meat, and...
Tips to add legumes to your diet
This blog is mainly to show the importance of plant based proteins and their many benefits to health. Many people believe that proteins are only present in animal products. The truth is that many plants have a good amount of proteins especially legumes. Legumes are grown for their grain seed or pulse for human consumption...